Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Latest News & Updates

nepali language training school

Sign up for our Nepali Language and Culture Program!

Volunteer Society Nepal now offers an independent Language and Culture . ... Read More »

teacher training volunteering in Nepal

School Workshop on Positive Education

Merel from the Netherlands is a teacher by profession. She . ... Read More »

health program for medical volunteers

Volunteering in Health, Education and Construction

With the end of autumn and the beginning of spring, . ... Read More »

construction women center

Construction Project: A Bigger Classroom for the Women Center

Two volunteers from Belgium, Ine and Amber are in Nepal . ... Read More »

volunteer experience physiotherapy elderly care

Volunteer Experience: Physiotherapist Luca

"After a stroke, they want to learn to go to . ... Read More »

summer program nepal volunteer community high school volunteer abroad best summer volunteer programs

Volunteer Experience: 3 Week Summer Program in Nepal

Summer Program: With the beginning of the summer season in . ... Read More »


Masterclass First Tech Challenge Team at CBIA School

Volunteer Society Nepal, together with the Edulent Foundation has been . ... Read More »

volunteer experience italy

Volunteer Experience: Virginia from Italy

This summer, a lot of volunteers from Italy have come . ... Read More »

short term volunteering at cbia school

Volunteer Experience: Carlijn at the CBIA School

CBIA is one of the projects of VSN focused on . ... Read More »

volunteer experience center disabilities

Volunteer Experience: Alma at the Center for Children with Disabilities

Volunteers Society Nepal has been running the disabled center called . ... Read More »

how we keep our projects going

How we Keep Our Projects Going

As Volunteer Society Nepal we have a successful way to . ... Read More »

working in construction

Volunteer Experience: Working in Construction

The CBIA is one of the schools that is started . ... Read More »

team repair medical equipment

Bio-medical Team Repairs Medical Equipment all over Nepal

Nepal is a developing country that has recently been making . ... Read More »

group volunteering women center

Group Experience: Volunteering at the Women Center

Volunteering in a group always turn out to be very . ... Read More »

family volunteering in Nepal

Tailor-made Volunteer and Travel Programs

At Volunteer Society Nepal we do not only offer volunteering. . ... Read More »