Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Warm Welcoming the Dutch Students to Nepal: A Journey of Student Exchange Program in Nepal

student cultural exchange in nepal

On a bright morning at Tribhuvan International Airport, an air of excitement and anticipation filled the atmosphere. Eighteen students, accompanied by three teachers from River International School and Lorentz Lyceum School, along with two guides from Fairaway, Netherlands, had just touched down in Kathmandu to be a part of a journey of cultural exchange. They were warmly greeted by Volunteer Society Nepal’s Program Directors, Ishwor and Bishal, and dedicated staff members Sushil, Sarbin, and Dilisha. As a gesture of welcome and respect, each visitor was presented with a traditional Nepali scarf, a symbol of hospitality and goodwill.

Embracing Nepali Culture through Homestays

From the airport, the group was escorted to their homestay accommodations, where they would experience firsthand the warmth and hospitality of Nepali families. This initial interaction is a cornerstone of Volunteer Society Nepal’s student exchange program, offering a unique glimpse into daily life in Nepal. Unlike staying in a hotel or guest house, a homestay provides a deeper, more authentic understanding of the local culture, fostering connections that often lead to lasting friendships.

At their new homes, the students and their teachers were introduced to their host families, who welcomed them with open arms and warm smiles. The students were immediately immersed in the routines and rhythms of Nepali life. They were invited to help with household chores, practice English with their hosts, and even learn to cook traditional Nepali dishes. This hands-on experience is invaluable, offering a perspective on Nepal that no guidebook can provide.

The first day was dedicated to settling in and getting acquainted with their surroundings. The students and teachers took some time to rest and recharge after their long journey. The comfortable and welcoming environment of the homestay helped ease any homesickness and provided a safe space for the group to bond and share their initial impressions of Nepal.

A Culinary Adventure: Mo:Mo Making Workshop

After a refreshing rest, the group headed to the Women’s Center for an exciting and interactive mo:mo (Momo are a type of steamed filled dumpling in Tibetan and Nepali cuisine which is also popular food in neighbouring Bhutan and India.) making workshop. The Women’s Center is a vibrant hub of activity and learning, dedicated to empowering local women through education and skills training. Volunteer Society Nepal has been a key player in this initiative, providing regular literacy classes in English and Nepali, as well as basic mathematics for over 30 women. Many of these women have never had the opportunity to receive formal education, and the center is a lifeline for them to improve their literacy and gain valuable skills.

The international students were eager to learn the art of making mo:mo, a popular Nepali dumpling that is both delicious and fun to prepare. Guided by elderly women from the center, who have perfected the craft over many years, the students rolled up their sleeves and got to work. The process of making mo:mo involves preparing the dough, creating the perfect filling, and then artfully folding the dumplings into their signature crescent shapes. The elderly women shared their tips and tricks, ensuring that each student mastered the technique.

For many of the students, this was their first time making mo:mo, and their excitement was palpable. The kitchen was filled with laughter and chatter as they learned, made mistakes, and perfected their dumplings. The joy of cooking together transcended language barriers and created a shared experience that everyone enjoyed.

Dancing and Celebrating Together

Once the mo:mo were steamed and ready, everyone sat down to enjoy the fruits of their labor. The satisfaction of eating something they had made from scratch was evident in their smiles and compliments. The dumplings were a hit, and many of the students vowed to try making them again when they returned home.

The workshop didn’t end with the meal. After enjoying their delicious mo:mo, the group joined the women for a lively dance session. Dancing is a big part of Nepali culture, often used to celebrate and express joy. The students, teachers, and guides enthusiastically participated, learning traditional Nepali dance moves and sharing some of their own. This spontaneous dance party was a perfect way to break the ice and strengthen the bonds between the visitors and their hosts.

Reflections on the First Day

As the day drew to a close, the students reflected on their experiences. The homestay had already given them a profound insight into the daily lives of Nepali families, and the mo:mo making workshop had been a delightful blend of cultural immersion and culinary education. The warmth and hospitality of the Nepali people had made a lasting impression on everyone.

This first day set the tone for the rest of their journey, highlighting the importance of cultural exchange and mutual respect. By living with local families and engaging in activities like cooking and dancing, the students gained a deeper appreciation for the rich traditions and vibrant community life in Nepal.

Join Us for More Adventures

The student exchange program is just one of the many ways Volunteer Society Nepal facilitates cultural exchange and community development. We believe that experiences like these not only enrich the lives of our participants but also foster global understanding and cooperation.

If you are interested in joining our volunteering program or want to learn more about our initiatives, please visit our website at https://www.volunteersocietynepal.org/ or email us at contact@volunteersocietynepal.org. We look forward to welcoming you to Nepal and sharing more unforgettable experiences!


The first day of the student exchange program was a resounding success, filled with learning, laughter, and the forging of new friendships. Through homestays and interactive workshops, the students from the Netherlands were able to connect deeply with Nepali culture and the local community. This enriching experience is a testament to the power of cultural exchange in creating meaningful and lasting impacts.

Stay tuned for more updates on the adventures and learning experiences of our amazing group of students and teachers from the Netherlands!