Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Volunteer Experience: Alma at the Center for Children with Disabilities

Volunteers Society Nepal has been running the disabled center called ‘Center for Children with Disabilities’ as one of its projects. Part of the fees that volunteer pay go to the rent, salaries of staff and general maintenance. The center received around 20 disabled kids. By playing and teaching in a regular schedule it aims at making them less dependent on others and make them realize their potential. The center has been providing a environment to about 20 regular children. The center is managed by the manager, Mina KC. The Center for Children with Disabilities is happy to receive volunteers who want to play with the kids, teach them or help out with small construction or maintenance projects. The center is also saving for a mini-van that will enable them to bring more disabled kids to the center.

Volunteer Alma

Alma Montessano is from Italy and is volunteering in the Disabled Center. Alma came to Nepal through the Italian Association YearOut. She is very friendly and cheerful by nature. Alma goes to the center in the morning and teaches and plays with the kids till afternoon. She has been very engaged in making the kids play different games, teach them different physical exercises and help them with their English language.

Reasons behind Alma’s visit to Nepal

The nature, cultural diversity and multi-ethnicity has attracted Alma to come and volunteer in Nepal. Alma is always eager to help the underprivileged people and make a difference in their lives. So she came to Nepal to spend her time with these sweet and loving children of the center. Talking about her volunteering experiences, Alma has been volunteering in India before through the Italian organization.  She taught children English language there. Alma is a professional educator so this experience helped her acquire even more skills for her upcoming career. She had an amazing experience helping and sharing her knowledge with the kids.

Her experiences while working with the kids in the center

In the beginning language was an obstacle for her. But as the days passed by, she became more familiar and friendlier with the kids. Though it is sometimes quite difficult to handle the kids, it never discouraged her. She is happy being a part of the center and contributing to the happiness of the children. The kids are all happy to see her and have her in the center. The love and affection she received from the center has motivated her a lot and is making her very happy.

Her plans in Nepal

Alma is in Nepal for 3 weeks, so she does not have many other plans but volunteering. Besides her volunteer experience, she will visit Pokhara, one of the major tourist destinations of Nepal. The friendly behavior and the helping nature of the Nepali people are the best part of her experience in Nepal. She is also satisfied with the care and love from the host family. Alma is also happy with the projects and the activities of Volunteer Society Nepal and the way we are organizing the projects. The VSN staff are always available and have been very supportive.

More information

Visiting a developing country like Nepal, where you can learn about the life style of the people and the cultural diversity along with the magnificent natural beauty is always fruitful. Along with that one can also lend a helping hands and share their ideas and knowledge, so this is going to be the best part of your volunteering. After your visit to Nepal, you will realize that your trip to Nepal was worth visiting.