Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.
Building work started 3 weeks ago and CBIA kids will soon be moving into their new classrooms. The rooms will hold middle school classes (3-6) as more students move up from kindergarten classes. They each have their own 4 walls and roof to help noise levels and enhance the children’s concentration.
The building of the new rooms enables the CBIA school to grow. CBIA can now host up to 800 students. It has quickly become known as a good school. This is mainly due to all the hard work that volunteers have done. Together with the different donations.
Within CBIA we are now also focusing on new teaching opportunities, such as the use of YouTube teaching video’s in the classrooms. Teachers are becoming more and more aware of different methods of teaching thanks to the volunteers.
If you want to volunteer at the CBIA school, look here for more information.
Teaching initiative volunteer Nepal
Construction initiative volunteer Nepal
Health initiative volunteer Nepal
Rebuilding Health initiative volunteer Nepal
Help initiative volunteer Nepal
Tour in Nepal
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