Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Homestay experience in Nepal

Stay as a volunteer in a Nepali home stay!

Volunteer Society Nepal offers a valuable experience, which is the opportunity to live as a volunteer in a Nepali home stay. Many of our volunteers have reported how special the experience is. Living with a Nepali family allows them to understand the Nepali culture better and feel at home in Nepal.

Host families working with VSN have a desire to interact with people from other cultures and to share their own. Volunteers are welcomed in the home stay with open arms and immediately treated like a family member. The volunteers receive two meals a day (breakfast and dinner) and these meals are shared together with the family.

Learn from each other

Volunteers get the opportunity to practice the Nepali they learn during the VSN language course, and the family members will also take the chance to improve their English. Many families have young children with whom the volunteers play and teach English in a playful way. Volunteers are often invited to social events in the home stay such as special pujas (religious ceremonies), festivals and weddings. This allows the volunteers to experience Nepal in a truly unforgettable way.

See and hear for yourself

In the video below, we ask Junee, one of our home stay mothers living in Pepsi Cola Kathmandu, why she welcomes volunteers in her home and what she gains from this cultural exchange. Ludivine, one of our volunteers from Belgium who stays with Junee and her family also joins in the conversation to share her home stay experience.