Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.
Dr. Carmen Arias Bordajandi, a medical doctor by profession has very successfully completed volunteering in Nepal for three weeks. She enjoyed every minute that she spent in Nepal and has been highly satisfied with Volunteer Society Nepal and the way it managed everything for her. She is happy that she made the right decision to come to Nepal for volunteering through Volunteer Society Nepal, the mostly trusted organization for assisting the volunteers.
During her three weeks stay in Nepal, she carried out medical checkup of 420 students for free at Career Building International Academy which has recently resumed physical classes after a long lockdown due to COVID 19. The parents of the children highly appreciated her generous act because it was difficult for them to get their children’s health checked up during the lockdown time.
In the last phase of her stay in Nepal, she visited Pokhara, one of the most beautiful cities of Nepal. As the time was short, she did a trek of just one day to Dhampus but Carmen definitely had a lifetime experience of trekking. She enjoyed a lot being here in Nepal as a volunteer through Volunteer Society Nepal and wished she had a little longer time in Nepal.
Another volunteer, Mr. Bart, a Telecommunication Engineer has already arrived. The detail planning for him is underway at the moment.