Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Private and Group Courses


VSN’s experienced professional tutors have a learner- centered approach. Tuition takes place in a (private and group courses) comfortable, friendly and relaxed environment at place and times which is convenient for the learners. VSN has its own course books and modules, enabling learners to meet short- or long-term goals. VSN Nepal guarantees the learner will be more confident with the new language after just a few days of lessons.

Class Size

The class size is one to five persons in the Basic Course. In this course, each learner has equal opportunity to learn and practice. If someone has a special learning preference or difficulty, we will provide individual classes. Additional classes can be arranged for those who prefer to learn at a slower pace.

Host Families, fellow learners and volunteers

VSN can also arrange accommodation with Nepali host families living near to the Language School. This is through our special Introduction Package or Two Week Package, for students wanting to experience life in a typical household. This provides an excellent opportunity to practice language and to get to know local culture first – hand. You will also meet fellow students or volunteers during your language classes or at the home stay.

Teaching Methodology

VSN uses a learner-focused approach to teaching in the classroom. The program is designed to assist learners to communicate effectively. The course is taught in English and Nepali and includes coverage of the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. It makes a balance between communicative activities, structure practice and grammar. Our methodology exposes the learner to real- life dialogue in real-life situations from the earliest stage. This methods keeps the classes effective and fun.

Course Materials

The core textbook for the basic course is the introductory Nepali Course will be provided which costs 20 Euro. The curriculum is applied flexibly to meet individual needs and assist each person to reach his or her language learning potential.

Fees for Language Courses

  • One person 12 Euro per hour.
  • Two or more persons 10 Euro per hour per person.

For more details and a customized program, contact us at contact@volunteersocietynepal.org