Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Phara, Dora and Iris’s Volunteer Experience in Nepal

Volunteer Experience in Nepal, with its rich culture, stunning mountain views, and warm-hearted people, is a perfect destination for volunteers seeking both adventure and a chance to make a positive impact. Phara, Dora, and Iris, from the Netherlands and Belgium, recently embarked on a Volunteer in Nepal journey with Volunteer Society Nepal that offered them much more than just sightseeing and general touristic experience. They opted choose the authentic local experience and choose Volunteer society Nepal. As part of volunteer society Nepal program, they live with a local Nepali host family, allowing them to experience daily life in Nepal firsthand. This immersive local experience included eating and learning to make delicious local dishes like momo (steamed dumplings) and dal bhat tarkari (a lentil soup with rice), staples that fueled their volunteer work and became favorites. Navigating the city by local bus added another layer of cultural immersion. Imagine Phara, Dora, and Iris squeezing onto a bus bound for Baneshwor, the bustling neighborhood where the Disability Center they volunteered at was located. The sights, sounds, and interactions on these journeys undoubtedly added to the richness of their experience.

A Warm Welcome to Nepal

Phara, Dora, and Iris arrived in Nepal with bright smiles and eager hearts, ready to immerse themselves in the local culture and lend a helping hand to those in need. Stepping off the plane and into the city of Kathmandu, their volunteering in Nepal journey had truly begun. The team at Volunteer Society Nepal greeted them with warm “Namaste,” smiles, and the offer of beautiful Nepali scarves. This welcoming gesture conveyed the genuine hospitality of Nepal and a sense of belonging. From the first introductions, they felt like part of a shared purpose.

Before diving into their volunteer projects, Phara, Dora and Iris immersed themselves in Nepali language classes. These lessons went beyond vocabulary, teaching them essential greetings like “Namaste” and respectful gestures to navigate daily life. On their third day, they explored two UNESCO World Heritage Sites: the sacred Pashupatinath Temple, where they witnessed Hindu rituals, and the iconic Swayambhunath Stupa, offering panoramic city views. This combination of Nepali language lessons and cultural sightseeing gave them a solid foundation for their upcoming volunteer work

Volunteering at the Disability Center

Phara, Dora and Iris’s Volunteer Experience in Nepal

One of the highlights of their trip was their volunteer work at the Disability Center. Here, Phara, Dora, and Iris dedicated their time and energy to support children with intellectual disabilities. They assisted with one-on-one classes, teaching the children basic English and math, along with therapy sessions and engaging educational activities. Their dedication extended beyond the classroom; they taught dance and games, creating moments of joy and laughter that resonated throughout the center. Although their volunteering period at disable center was short, their presence left a lasting impact on both the children and the staff.

Phara, Dora and Iris’s Volunteer Experience in Nepal

Supporting Women’s Empowerment

Although initially not part of their planned volunteer activities, Volunteer Society Nepal recognized the potential for Phara, Dora, and Iris to make a positive contribution at a local Women’s Center. Having traveled all the way from the Netherlands, their presence and fresh perspective could be invaluable. While working at the Center, the volunteers were deeply inspired by the dedication of the women, many of whom were seeking to re-educate and empower themselves regardless of their age. In turn, Phara, Iris, and Dora shared their own skills by teaching basic English and even found joy in dancing and singing along to Nepali songs.

kathmandu heritage sightseeing

Working at the local School

They also dedicated their time to CBIA , one of Volunteer Society Nepal’s own projects. Here, they focused their efforts on working with children below six years of age, teaching them through play and interactive activities. Their days were filled with the joyful energy of interactive activities and dance classes.

With their keen interest in dance, Phara, Dora, and Iris went beyond their work with younger children. They also conducted dance classes for older students, sharing their enthusiasm and teaching them various moves. Through their dedication, Phara, Dora, and Iris instilled a love for learning in these young minds, empowering them for their future journeys.

Volunteering at the heart of Nepali communities was an enriching experience for Phara, Dora, and Iris, but Nepal had so much more to see! Volunteer Society Nepal helped them plan a weekend trip to Nagarkot, a place famous for its incredible mountain views. They had a fantastic time, and it was a great way to experience the beauty of Nepal outside of their volunteering work.

Memorable Moments, Cultural Immersion, and the Warmth of a Nepali Home

local bus experience in nepal
Phara, dora and iris trying the local bus in nepal for the first time

Living with a local family and volunteering with local communities in Nepal, was at the heart of Phara, Dora, and Iris’s experience. This homestay allowed them to truly experience the warmth and hospitality Nepal is known for. They weren’t just visitors; they became part of the community. They learned to speak Nepali, prepare traditional and popular dishes like momo and dal bhat tarkari, sharing meals and stories around the table. Riding the local bus to the various part of town became a routine, but also an opportunity to witness daily life in Kathmandu unfold. This immersion in Nepali culture undoubtedly deepened their connection to the country and its people.

volunteer in nepal wearing saree
Phara, Dora, and Iris in traditional Nepali dress

See more of their Nepal journey on Instagram Meiden in Nepal