Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Volunteer Experience: Carlijn at the CBIA School

CBIA is one of the projects of VSN focused on providing quality education to children. It has also been assisting children from poor economic backgrounds, providing them with free education scholarships. As a volunteer, teaching and sharing ideas with the teachers and the students is a fun and interesting experience. A lot of volunteers have shown interest in the teaching sector. The projects where you can teach with Volunteer Society Nepal are either, the women center, a monastery or the school. The volunteers are given placements in these different projects based on their teaching interests.

Carlijn Land is all the way from the Netherlands. She is here in Nepal to help the kids from the school and experience Nepal for a month. Below she shares about her experience working with the children of CBIA. She is only 17 years old! Carlijn is here on her vacation to help and share her experiences and learn new things in Nepal.

What Made Carlijn Visit Nepal?

“We don’t have much hills and mountains in Netherlands, as its very flat. I was always interested to see the hills and mountains. I used to read a lot of textbooks related to Nepal. Like this, I got a better picture of the magnificent natural beauty and the diversity of cultures and traditions. I have visited many countries in Europe and a few in Asia. I heard that children here need help in their education. So I choose to come to Nepal.”

Carlijn’s Activities in Nepal

“I am here for a month. It’s been two weeks since I started volunteering at the school and helping the kids. For the next two weeks I will be in Pokhara, where I will be trekking and volunteering. I will be helping the kids at the disabled center in Pokhara. At the moment I have been teaching the kids of the primary school and helping them with their studies. I either teach the kids or assist the teacher during the lessons. After I finish school at 4 pm, I go back to my host family and take rest for a while and then go to the health post. I help in the health post as an assistant. I help the people in dressing the wounds, measuring the blood pressure and so on. This is a great diverse program and I am happy that I can help in so many ways!”

Football Trainer

“I am a football coach in my free time in my country. I train local kids in football and hockey. Therefore, I also trained the kids of CBIA in football. At first, they were playing very messy. But after I started training them about the different skills and playing in a group, they all played very well. It is great to see results so fast!”

From Tourist to Volunteer Experience

“I used to be a tourist when going abroad. But Nepal has been like a second home to me. The people here are so caring and friendly so I don’t feel lonely! It’s my first trip alone, but I am really enjoying it! The host family is very caring and they are very friendly too. I have started loving Daal bhat, the Nepali rice and curry. I also visited different places like Thamel, Boudhanath, Monkey Temple, Patan Durbar Square and Bhaktapur Durbar Square. These heritages are being reconstructed after the massive earthquake, but it’s very interesting to see the developmental works and the artistic heritages.”

Public Transport

“So far I have also started traveling on a local bus with a lot of passengers. It was a quite challenging experience in the beginning because of the crowd, but now I am loving it! It is a cheap way of transport and you always meet nice people on the bus. Everybody is helpful in pointing out where to get off and giving you a seat.”

Working at the School

“Working in the school has been an amazing part of my stay here. The kids are all disciplined and very hard working. I am helping them with the English Language, for example helping with pronunciation. It’s amazing to see the kids starting to speak English despite their young age. I am now very excited for my volunteering in Pokhara and will be helping the disabled kids. They require special care and support. I am sure I will have a good time there too.”

Message for Interested Volunteers

“Nepal is a very beautiful country full of cultural diversity and the amazing natural beauty. Do not be afraid to come here by yourself. The people here are very amazing and friendly and they will not make you feel like a stranger. The hospitality provided by the host family is amazing, they are very loving and are always ready to offer help. And the Nepali food is delicious! Thanks Volunteer Society Nepal for providing me with this experience!”

For more information about volunteering at the CBIA school or another school, visit our page here.