Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Volunteer Vacancy for Teachers Training in Nepal

Volunteer Society Nepal is in need of teachers to help improve the quality of education in Nepal. Formal training and teaching qualifications are not necessary to teach in schools, hence the quality of education in Nepal is very low. In fact, over 50% of teachers in Nepal have little to no training as a teacher. Most of the teachers in Nepal know only traditional methods of teaching- lecturing and memorization. They do not know how to introduce student participation to generate a creative and active learning process.

No matter the length of the placement, experienced teachers can make a huge difference. Even a short placement can assist in strengthening the quality of education in Nepal. Teachers who have already completed their placement not only found it rewarding but also enjoyable; it is a true “win-win” situation.

Duties of the Teacher

  • Promote active teaching and inclusive education through workshops, demonstration lessons, observations and team teaching
  • Demonstrate simple, multi-use, easy-to-use teaching aids to groups of teachers and individuals as needed
  • Conduct a professional needs assessment of school teachers
  • Motivate the  teachers to undertake action research and to produce local teaching materials

We also require the help of science, math, biology, computer science, social science teachers, amongst other subjects. To improve the overall quality education of Nepali schools, we need the help of teachers from different subject backgrounds.

Skills, Qualifications and Experience Required for this Vacancy

  • A teaching qualification in any subject in Education or Education in general
  • Minimum two years teaching experience in primary/secondary or in teacher training setting
  • Experience in training material development and classroom observation.
  • Self-motivated and well-organized
  • You will need to be highly culturally sensitive with strong interpersonal and communication skills and the confidence to create positive relationships in very diverse working environments.

Overall, we need passion, drive and fun. We want to not only help schools to improve, but to also become a fun and motivating centre of education for their students. Due to your experience, we believe you are the best way to achieve this. We hope to host you in Nepal very soon!

Please visit our website link for more details and application.