Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

monastery volunteering in Nepal



Volunteering in Nepal- One of the best experiences of my life

Volunteering in Nepal: With our plane leaving the 23th of March 2017 one of the best experiences of my life had started. I’ll never forget how we arrived, a little nervous, at our new host family and them welcoming us in such a warm and loving way that we immediately felt at home. In those introduction days we have been stuffed with the best food, most loving support and lots of laughter. We came as strangers but parted as family. Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) didn’t just leave us at this sweet family but took us out on a lot of excursions, the first one being a 2-minute bike ride to The Hut. A cute place, live music, a couple of drinks, the most friendly fellow volunteers: what else can you wish for? Other than that we’ve also been to the Monkey Temple, Thamel, Bhaktapur, Boudhanath and have been taught some Nepali. Even though I can only remember 5 sentences, the locals love it and it has started many interesting conversations. After these great first few days the real journey could start. A dusty, bumpy, narrow road filled with trucks, buses, bikes, locals, maintenance workers and cows took us to our first stop: Chitwan. I can happily confirm we are still alive even after seeing so many crocodiles, rhinos, monkeys, boars, footprints of the tiger and of course Ronaldo the Elephant. We were also lucky enough to practice our Nepali with the hotel workers, sing songs with the guides, and meet up with another volunteer. The next morning our journey continued to Pokhara over a road even more dusty, bumpy and narrow than the previous one. In Pokhara however, we could enjoy the fresh(er) air at the peaceful lakeside. We didn’t stay too long in this paradise because we were most eager to climb the thousands of steps of the Poonhill Trek in the burning sun. That we managed to do this is mainly due to our amazing tour guide who kept feeding us power food. But rewarded we were: a most beautiful sunrise and stunning mountain range. After this our journey continued again over the already well-known road, this time filled with too many trucks, buses, bikes, locals, and cows so we got stuck in one of Nepal’s lovely traffic jams. Now the holiday and fun stuff were over: the real work started. Back in Kathmandu we started teaching in a monastery and volunteering in an orphanage. That has been an experience which is indescribable: the happiness, appreciation, interest, and gratitude of the children can’t be put in words. It’s something very special and rewarding to do and makes you never want to leave. I have fallen in love with every single one of them and I will cherish them forever. Now that we’re staying in one place for the rest of our time here, in Boudhanath to be exact, we’re also able to meet up with the other volunteers. This meant a lot of yoga classes, movies, nights out, dinners (finally no rice!!), lovely bike rides, the weekly meet-ups at The Hut, and salsa nights. All these lovelies have become friends, wonderful memories have been made and tons of brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles have been added to my family. As the movie we’re watching with the orphanage children is ending I fear I will soon have no time to write anymore.

Thank you so much Volunteer Society Nepal (VSN) for making all of this possible! ??

What Volunteers Say About Us?

Chiara Chirizzi


Thanks to Volunteer Society Nepal I had a great experience in Nepal. They look after you and support during your journey.I couldn’t ask for more..

Phara and Dora

Belgium and The Netherlands

We are two HBO 3 students and were looking for a trip for our education in which we could really make a difference. Volunteer Society.

Kelsey Brethour


Bishal, Sushil, Ishwor and Anjeela were so supportive and caring throughout my volunteer experience. They made me feel comfortable as a solo traveller and went.

Julia Michalkiewicz


I recommend Volunteer Society Nepal very much, especially if you go to Nepal for the first time. Beesal and Ramesh were very kind and helpful.

Özlem Gözen


I was warmly welcomed by my host family in Kathmandu on May 14, 2022 and stayed with my host family until May 18, 2022. I.

Erica Boland


From the moment I landed, my time in Nepal has been an incredibly fun and exciting learning experience. After navigating the hectic Tribhuvan airport, I.

Bart Breugelmans


Working in Nepal (volunteer at CBIA school) as a volunteer has been a rewarding experience for me. Not only was I allowed to teach about.