Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Friends Volunteering in Nepal

Nikita, Tea and Sarah from Switzerland are here in Nepal for seven weeks. They arrived at the 31st of December. They are nursing students and friends from the Institut et Haute Ecole de la Santé La Source

They are studying in their third year of medicine. They are here with the intent of doing an internship and trekking. Their first few days were for learning Nepali language, Nepali culture and sightseeing with our language trainer. They visited places like Boudhanath stupa, Patan Durbar Square in Kathmandu valley.

Health camp at VSN projects

Nikita and her friends organized a general health camp at CBIA, Women’s Center and Triton International School. They checked blood pressure, chest, height and weight of children and women. They found most of the kids suffering from common cold due to seasonal changes and women with the problem of blood pressure and diabetes. They suggested different ways to cure diseases like cold. If they found any serious complications, they would talk with the teachers and parents and suggested visiting doctors. ‘‘Working with children in schools was very fun and all the kids were really polite and nice!” they said.

Health Workshop at Women Center

After doing general health checkup, they organized a workshop on health issues such as blood pressure, diabetes and uric acid at the Women Center. They gave an idea about causes, preventive measures, and cure of the diseases. All this together with some necessary physical exercise and avoiding unhealthy food habits. The women are not able to understand English clearly so there our language trainer, Shakti translated in Nepali so that the women can understand clearly. Nikita, Tea and Sarah said, ‘‘we are very grateful and honored that these women listened to us! We think we made an impact in the way they understand about their different health issues and diseases. We are really looking forward to go and give another workshop we prepared”.

Internship at Fishtail hospital and Health Checks in Kaskikot

After completing the health camp and workshop at projects in Kathmandu Nikita, Tea and Sarah went to Pokhara for an internship and to explore a new area of Nepal. After their internship at fishtail hospital, they are going to Kaskikot. Here they are going to organize a health camp at the school and work on the health post for a week.


After the completion of their volunteering the three friends will have more fun time: they will trek to Ghorepaani, Poon hill. They are also going to Chitwan to enjoy the jeep safari, canoe riding, bird watching, jungle walk and Tharu culture program. We from Volunteer Society Nepal are looking forward to see them back in Kathmandu full with stories and happiness!

Their experience

Traveling with friends is a great experience. Nikita, Tea and Sarah are here together, as their College encouraged them to go abroad for internship during their courses. Along with the internship, they also have new experiences trekking and touring Nepal.  ‘‘We get an opportunity to know the difference in the health system in our country and Nepal and we feel the strong culture and religion everywhere in Nepal. The host family was very welcoming and the people from VSN are very careful to make us comfortable”.