Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Volunteering in Photography and Film making

Vincent is one of our volunteers from Denmark. He is helping us in photography and film making. He is making some beautiful pictures of our projects. Vincent also makes videos of our projects and interviews our volunteers and staff.

Project Visits for Promotion

Recently Vincent visited Kaskikot and Pokhara to take some pictures there. He made pictures of Janneke conducting the medical checkups and Merel and Robert helping in the school. Another project was conducting house visits to the disabled kids who cannot come to the school. Together with Linda they made a video that shows the dire condition that these kids are in. Below we will show you some of the amazing pictures Vincent makes. Please watch out for some of the videos that will be shared on our Facebook page.

If you are interested in volunteering in the field of photography and film making, please visit our page here.