Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Short Experience Group Trip to Nepal

Volunteer Society Nepal has welcomed an amazing group of Dutch youngsters. A group of fourteen students, including two teachers. This group is here to explore the real Nepal by lots of different and also challenging experiences. Volunteer Society Nepal has created a special tailor-made program for them that includes lot of local, authentic travel in Nepal.

The Experience Nepal Program

Their first day was all about getting to know the area and their home stay family. At the women center, they made one of the most popular dishes of Nepal: Momo’s. This made their welcome even more special! They enjoyed preparing the momo’s and the delicious new taste of momo’s. At the end of the day, they had a good dinner and rest at their home stay family.

On the second day they started their tour. After dividing them into two groups, our language trainers Shakti and Sahil gave them basic Nepali language class. After taking a language class, they went to Circus Kathmandu with our tour guides Ishwor and Gelu. The circus has a very special story about how it came to exist, and there they also learned some circus skills through physical practice!

For example, they did some acts like aerial acts, cooperating, team building, etc. In the afternoon, they went for sightseeing to the famous Hindu temple of Lord Shiva, Pashupatinath and Boudhanath stupa.

Local Village Experience

Their third day started with yoga in the morning at the women’s center. Then they went to a local village located in Lalitpur with tour guide Gelu. The students really wanted to study the lifestyle of local people in remote areas. This young and enthusiastic group wanted true and local meaningful learning experiences in Nepal. Therefore, they also visited the brick factory nearby and they even helped in the local people’s work. How the students are eagerly collecting and learning new experiences is amazing!

Rafting and Jungle

Together, we have created authentic experiences full of adventures. They also went rafting on the Trisuli river. After their rafting experience, they went to Chitwan National Park, enjoying the beauty and the culture there with a jeep safari and joining in with cultural dances. They also enjoyed canoe riding, bird watching, jungle walk and the Tharu culture program at Chitwan.

More Information about our Experience Nepal Program

Experiencing and learning at new places and creating memories with friends is the best feeling. If you are also interested collecting amazing memories in Nepal we are here to help you. Along with the tour we also provide new volunteering experiences at different places. For more information have a look at our website.