Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Volunteering in the area of Boudhanath Stupa

For centuries, Boudhanath has been an important place of pilgrimage and meditation for Tibetan Buddhists & local Nepalis. Therefore people also call it ‘Little Tibet’. It is located on what was a major trade route between Nepal & Tibet. It is also a popular tourist site. In 1979, Boudha became a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Great Stupa of Boudhanath is the focal point of the district. There are at least 29 Tibetan Gompas (Monasteries & Nunneries) around Boudhanath. The culture is very much Himalayan with a strong presence of Tibetans & Sherpas, as can be evidenced by the number of restaurants selling momos, thukpa & other Tibetan favorites.

Daily Rituals around the Stupa

Many Tibetan Buddhist monks & nuns can be seen walking around Boudha, especially at the Stupa. As a daily ritual, many people walk three or more times around the stupa while repeating the mantra ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ either quietly or aloud. During the days surrounding the full moons, the air is often thick with incense and mantras sung by monks. The number of people visiting the Stupa increases significantly, along with the intensity of their mantras & prayers. Boudha is a fascinating and very spiritual area.

Volunteering in the Boudhanath Area

In this area, Volunteer Society Nepal offers many volunteering opportunities. There are two monasteries that are always in need of extra volunteers teaching English. Then there is a school where volunteers can teach English, Math and teach Sports activities. And last but not least: there are opportunities for physical therapists to work at a center for disabled people or in a hospital.

Host Families in the Boudhanath Area

In this area there are a few Buddhist host families who are very happy to host you as a volunteer. When you stay with them, they will show you the area, and make you local Tibetan snacks accompanied with the regular Nepali ‘Dhal Bhat’ meals. You are also very welcome to join them in their daily rituals.

If you are interested to volunteer and get acquainted with the Tibetan and Buddhist Culture then you are welcome to join Volunteer Society Nepal and volunteer in this area.