Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Start of Building the New Women’s Center

The foundations of our new women’s center have been laid! They will start building soon.

Visit to New Building

On Wednesday we visited the site with all the ladies and volunteers. The site is located in the area called PepsiCola. The area is named after the Pepsi Cola factory which is also there. The Women Center is also close to the VSN office and to many of our home stays. Together with the women and volunteers we held a ceremony to bless it. The real construction work  will begin on Friday. We are thrilled to see the growth and blossoming of the center. We thank all those who made it possible!

The building will be named after the late mother of our volunteer Thabke Dorje from Australia. Thabke generously donated the amount needed for the construction in her loving memory.

Buddhist Prayer and Ritual

Lama Karma kindly conducted the prayer and puja to protect the space according to a Buddhist ritual which you can watch below. Stay tuned for more news as the construction and program develops! There will be many ways prospective volunteers can participate and contribute to this exciting project!

If you are interested in volunteering please find more information about volunteering in our women center here.