Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Chiara and Francisca, volunteers from Italy have donated new clothes to the Buddhist monks

In Nepal, our program for teaching English at Buddhist monasteries is the most well-liked volunteer opportunity. Volunteers have the opportunity to experience the distinct atmosphere of a Buddhist monastery and fully immerse themselves in Buddhist culture by working with us at a Buddhist monastery. They also have a significant impact on how the monks and the outside world communicate. There aren’t many other volunteer opportunities worldwide that offer the chance to collaborate closely with Buddhist monks. Volunteers will surely have an amazing and rewarding experience with this program, which gives them the chance to learn and practice meditation techniques, explore Buddhist teachings and learning, and have a deeper understanding of monastery life.
May this Buddha Purnima bring you and your family true happiness, harmony in your house, and serenity in your heart.
Chiara and Francisca, volunteers from Italy have donated new clothes to the Buddhist monks
Clothing donation at Buddhist Monastery
2568th birth anniversary of Lord Gautama Buddha
Today is May 23, which signifies Buddha Jayanti, also known as Buddha Purnima, the 2568th birth anniversary of Siddhartha Gautama, revered globally as a pioneer of peace. This day is celebrated with joy, worship, adoration, and teachings dedicated to Buddha, who is also honored as the ninth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Buddha Jayanti is an annual observance that takes place on the full moon day of the Nepali month Baisakh. This festival is a tribute to Siddhartha Gautam’s remarkable efforts in promoting global peace. The birth, enlightenment, and Mahaparinirvana (death) of Buddha all coincided on the full moon day of Baisakh. As a result, Buddhists around the world, including those in Nepal, honor Buddha Jayanti with profound respect and dedication. This year marks the 2568th birth anniversary of Lord Gautama Buddha, who advocated timeless principles such as ‘non-violence is the foundation of peace and friendship.’ The celebration is being held throughout the country with aspirations for peace.
Traditional ceremonies are conducted by Buddhists, with lamas and Buddhist teachers leading rituals in Chaityas, monasteries, viharas, and other holy places. The public is encouraged by the government to observe Buddha Jayanti by lighting oil lamps at home in the evening. Various events are typically held in important sites such as Lumbini, Swayambhu, and Bouddha to honor the occasion. Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini Garden in the Rupandehi district in 563 BC, which was 2568 years ago, to King Suddhodhan and Queen Mayadevi on the full moon day of Baisakh Shukla. As a prince, Siddhartha Gautam was deeply affected by the suffering of people. He renounced his palace at the age of 29 to pursue enlightenment through ascetic practices.
On this auspicious day, we should ponder, practice compassion, and promote love.  On this occasion of Buddha’s Birthday, we are delighted to share a heartwarming act of generosity from two of our volunteers. Chiara and Francisca from Italywho have been volunteering at Buddhist monastery in Kathmandu have donated new clothes to the Buddhist monks of Khawalung Monastery.

In addition to Kathmandu monastery, Chaira with the help of her friend in Italy  also bought shoes for little monks at a monastery in Pokhara. This was a much-needed donation, and the little monks were overjoyed to receive the shoes. Pictures from the event show the monks’ smiling faces as they try on their new footwear.

Their kind gesture embodies the true spirit of compassion and charity that Lord Buddha taught us.


volunteer in monastery
buying shoes for monks in nepal
Checking out the shoes at local shop
Chiara and Francisca, volunteers from Italy have donated new clothes to the Buddhist monks
Nighttime movie with little monks