Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.
Last week, the women at the women center, together with the volunteers, organized a cooking workshop. During this workshop, our volunteers have learned how to prepare momo’s, which is Nepal’s favorite snack. The teachers, the ladies of the Women’s center, showed how to cut and cook with all the different ingredients and showed how to fold a momo the right way. And of course, everybody tasted their creations in the end!
With this workshop the roles are reversed: the ladies you teach English to are now your teachers. They will teach you what kind of vegetables or meat you can put into the momo’s. Also you will learn how to fold them the right way. Don’t worry, your firsts momos won’t look beautiful, but they will be tasty nonetheless! During the workshop, you will be able to test your Nepali skills, while the ladies will be using the English they have learned. Prepare yourself to a lot of vegetable chopping, spice mixing and dough folding. You will be proud of the result during lunchtime!
Do you want to join the women at the women center and make momo’s with them? Join us by volunteering with Volunteer Society Nepal at the Women centre.