Volunteer Society Nepal : The best experience for volunteers, the best value for Nepal.

Dr. Karki, Consultant in Learning Disabilities from UK at VSN

Dr. Chuda Karki, retired Consultant in Learning Disabilities working in UK for the past 35 years who originally from Nepal visited VSN’s charity project – Centre for Children with Intellectual Disabilities & helped  the centre for about a month during December 2013 & January 2014. Thorough checkup of all fifteen mentally disabled children were performed and detail record with case history were prepared.  VSN volunteer Miss Noortje van Hooff from the Netherlands assisted Dr. Karki during the counseling & while preparing the details.   Dr. Karki spoke with all the parents about the development and problems of their children and also gave recommendations for further investigation and treatments.

Dr. Karki sponsored all the needful medications for Radha Majhi, an intellectually disabled girl who is also suffering from severe epilepsy.  He collected necessary information of another mentally disabled child Umesh Siwakoti and assured to sponsor all the medications for him as well. Dr. Chuda Karki will be back in July to arrange counseling with parents and organize workshop at the Centre for Children with Intellectual Disabilities.

The Volunteer Society Nepal & Centre for Children with Intellectual Disabilities thanks Dr. Karki for his generous support, professional guidance & help.